Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguishers

Whether for your home or your workplace, you take precautions to prevent fires. Yet, from cooking, electrical shorts, candles or other sources, fires can and do occur. Without adequate suppression, a spark quickly becomes flames that spread, generating smoke, damaging property and jeopardizing lives. To respond, equip your space or facility with a fire extinguisher designed to address relative hazards.

Fire Safety USA offers Amerex fire extinguishers approved for professional firefighters along with homes, schools, retail stores, offices and other applications. From the proven ABC fire extinguishers to CO2 extinguishers and large water extinguishers, you will find the solution to fight any blaze. We also offer many ways to store or carry fire extinguishers, including wall brackets, portable stands, semi-recessed cabinets and body harnesses.

How Fire Extinguishers Work

Fires require oxygen, heat and a fuel source - typically a combustible or flammable material. The presence of oxygen and heat and the amount of fuel cause the flames to spread throughout a building or the outdoors.

Fire extinguishers halt this propagation through one of three methods: cooling the heat source, cutting off the fuel or reducing the available supply of oxygen. Additionally, coating the fuel source detaches it from contact with the oxygen in the air, ultimately smothering the fire until it burns out.

To prevent the spread of flames, fire extinguishers typically have a portable, aerosol-style design filled with water, a chemical foam or a powder. Pressing down on the lever located at the top changes the pressure inside the cylinder, releasing the substance inside. Realize that especially for commercial use, fire extinguishers function as a backup to your overall fire suppression strategy.

Choosing the Right Fire Extinguisher

There are many types of extinguishers out there depending on the types of fires you may face. Use our guide below to help you shop for the right kitchen fire extinguisher, commercial office extinguisher and many other applications.

Fire Extinguisher Classifications

Fire extinguishers have one of the following classifications:

  • Class A - For putting out combustible materials like wood, paper and plastics.
  • Class B - For flammable liquids, including gas and oil.
  • Class C - For electrical and equipment fires.
  • Class D - For putting out fires related to combustible metals like lithium or titanium.
  • Class K - For extinguishing cooking fires involving oils or animal fats (known as Class F in the UK).

Fire Extinguisher Types

Fire extinguishers put out the blaze through one of the following methods:

  • Water or another wetting or misting agent. Water is only suitable as a Class A fire extinguisher while mist extinguishers can also be used for Class B, C and K blazes.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) generates a cloud of gas that leaves little to no residue. They're most effective for Class B and electrical fires.
  • Foam is a thicker material that once in contact with the fuel source, halts the combustion process. This type works well for Class A and B fires.
  • Dry chemicals - including sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate or ammonium phosphate - coat the fuel source to limit its exposure to the oxygen content in the air. Also known as dry powder fire extinguishers, they will fight Class A, B, C, electrical and some Class D fires.
  • Wet chemicals either reduce the temperature of the heat source or smother the fuel to prevent re-ignition. Use them on Class A, F and certain Class B fires.

Shop Fire Extinguishers for Sale at Fire Safety USA

Before becoming Fire Safety USA in 2005, we started as a family-owned business selling fire extinguishers and later expanded to include a wide array of personal protective equipment and suppression solutions. Today, our team combines a selection of high-quality, affordable products for fire department, commercial and home use with attentive customer service built on developing long-term relationships.

We're here to help you replace or upgrade your existing set of fire extinguishers. Browse solutions by class and method before placing an order online, via our call center or through our direct fax line.